Recruiting for 10.1!

Posted by Bhikhu/Shiftheal 19/04/2023 in recruit


We were close to our goal of 6/8M in 10.0, but with the patch coming to a close and raiders slowing down a bit, we’re starting to look to the future.

We are looking for more players to bolster our roster to work towards the Cutting Edge achievement in 10.1.

Rather than asking for particular class, we consider the player above the class and have a bring the player mentality. All applications are considered for all roles. A strong offspec is obviously a big plus.

Highly coveted:

  • Monk ANY
  • Ranged DPS
  • Healer ANY

(more updates to follow regarding classes)

However all roles considered regardless of class.

Socials also welcome for M+ and pugging! We reduce your heartstone cd and annoy you during weekend M+ runs.

For a direct apply visit or click the application button at the top of this screen.

For more information:

Whisper us ingame.

Contact on discord:

OTPLore Friendlyguy#9143
Scar Scar#0097

Contact via BattleNet:


Or mail to [email protected].